HIV and Conventional vs.Alternative Medicine
A British man recently proclaimed that he is the first person to become clear of HIV, the virus largely believed to cause AIDS, after testing positive for it 14-months earlier. Naturally, if confirmed, this could prove to be a breakthrough in the fight against HIV/AIDS. However, don’t let this be a green light to increase your current dosage of careless promiscuity just yet. You see, although the medical facility involved has confirmed that the man did indeed test negative for HIV after previously testing positive, and that there was no identity mix-up involved, the man has not come back for further testing...and why would he? This man just received the best news of his life, and although his job as a sandwich maker in some dirty ol' London pub no doubt, may not be the most stimulating, it's light-years better than being a human guinea pig. If it's proven that this guy's immune system did indeed develop anti-bodies to HIV, anyone within an arm's reach of a syringe would be after him for a sample. Fun indeed.
Although a fascinating story, this is certainly not the first time a previously infected person has claimed to be HIV free. I myself can recall hearing accounts from Africa of people ridding themselves of HIV; a tablet from China believed to be a cure for AIDS; a Croatian doctor curing AIDS patients with no trace of HIV in them after following a program of herbal teas and natural cleansing methods...all reported before this British case, but with similar levels of other words, promising, but don't bet your life on it. Interestingly enough though, none used conventional medicine as the primary treatment option.
This all brings about the question of who's done more to actually help the 40 million HIV/AIDS sufferers in the world today...conventional medicine or alternative methods? In the two decades since HIV and AIDS made headlines, traditional medical science has made some strides in providing treatments and prolonging lives. Experimental vaccination programs have begun; strong new drug cocktails claim to reduce the presence of HIV in the body to almost undetectable levels; and the medical community has provided the public with more information on the inner-workings of the virus than most people could possibly take in ...but still, no cure. Perhaps the lovable Dr.Hibbert summed it up best with "although we can't fix your [body], we can tell you exactly how damaged it is", to which the natural reply is a classic Homeresque "woo-hoo!" followed by "what an age we live in"...with or without sarcasm, depending on your level of awareness of the severity of the situation.
So what about alternative medicine? Registered naturopathic and homeopathic practicioners are gaining popularity and respectability by the minute, but few have gone as far as to claim victory over HIV and AIDS. Rather, they encourage the use of natural/herbal and pro-biotic supplements; organic food; reduction in exposure to toxins and stress; increased physical activity; and lowering the body's PH level (acidity)...all which will keep the body from getting sick in the first place, and may also help it heal itself from an existing illness. Well, much on that list resembles things a conventional doctor would tell you to do as well. The only real difference is that instead of popping prescription drugs, you're popping herbal supplements...oh, and your pay-cheque will feel the difference too, as nuturopathic treatments are almost never covered by group healthcare plans.
Rest assured though, there are still trully alternative approaches out there, some so far off the beaten path of logic that I pray you never find yourself desperate enough to try them. Others however, seem as potentially legitimate and one such method I've come across was developed by
Canadian, Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D. and discussed in her book The Cure for All Diseases. Her approach is different in that unlike other alternative methods which often seem to cite some more or less ancient practice as their foundation, if any explanation is even provided, Dr. Clark's is based on modern science. Apparently, the key to overcomi
ng any disease, and yes even HIV/AIDS, is the elimination of harmful parasites (bacteria and viruses) and pollutants. All parasites according to Dr. Clark, can be eliminated by using radio/electrical frequencies. A change in lifestyle and diet will take care of step two, the elimination of pollutants/toxins in the body. She explains it better than I, but whether legit or not, at the very least it's an interesting read. And, when all else fails, perhaps Homer' s approach of beer and donuts is best for what ails ya. Cheers!
Although a fascinating story, this is certainly not the first time a previously infected person has claimed to be HIV free. I myself can recall hearing accounts from Africa of people ridding themselves of HIV; a tablet from China believed to be a cure for AIDS; a Croatian doctor curing AIDS patients with no trace of HIV in them after following a program of herbal teas and natural cleansing methods...all reported before this British case, but with similar levels of other words, promising, but don't bet your life on it. Interestingly enough though, none used conventional medicine as the primary treatment option.

So what about alternative medicine? Registered naturopathic and homeopathic practicioners are gaining popularity and respectability by the minute, but few have gone as far as to claim victory over HIV and AIDS. Rather, they encourage the use of natural/herbal and pro-biotic supplements; organic food; reduction in exposure to toxins and stress; increased physical activity; and lowering the body's PH level (acidity)...all which will keep the body from getting sick in the first place, and may also help it heal itself from an existing illness. Well, much on that list resembles things a conventional doctor would tell you to do as well. The only real difference is that instead of popping prescription drugs, you're popping herbal supplements...oh, and your pay-cheque will feel the difference too, as nuturopathic treatments are almost never covered by group healthcare plans.
Rest assured though, there are still trully alternative approaches out there, some so far off the beaten path of logic that I pray you never find yourself desperate enough to try them. Others however, seem as potentially legitimate and one such method I've come across was developed by

First, I think the ultimate "cure" for all diseases is prevention -and I don't mean popping the pills, prescription or herbal, before you get sick. Why do people seem to be so much sicker than before? Are we going backwards instead of advancing as a species? Where I came from, people were never as "clean" as they are here but they were a lot healthier. I tink it's because they were a lot less "stressed-out". Yes, sometimes they got pretty sick but in many cases they survived without doctors or drugs of any kind. That leads me to my second point: if you do get sick, ANYTHING will work as long as you believe in it. I know, I know, that's even more far-fetched that zapping oneself with electromagnetic waves or whatever, but the key to curing ourselves may very well lie inside each and every one of our puny little minds. Maybe if we spent less time trying to destroy one another we would realize how much we really are capable of . . .
Amen! I think what you're suggesting isn't that far fetched at all...many share your views on mind over matter. Well said.
I'm not sure if people are more or less sick than before. In the modern world (with advanced medical technologies) we have simply been able to identify more illnesses, so our lists have grown. Furthermore, people live longer today and thus exhibit diseases that express themselves later in our life (e.g. most cancers and Alzheimer’s)
True. But you have to also admit that modern technology has not only identfied more illnesses but in fact has also caused and even created many of them. And yes diseases like Alzheimer's are showing up more because we live longer but the sad part is diseases like cancer are far too common in very young people.
My father was told he would die within the year. He said "well, they don't know they are just guessing" and lived 10 more years. Beer and donuts all the way!!
I think the modern world has also produced far more aberrant behaviors in people than before. People are just getting really freaky these days.
But radio/electrical frequencies to cure diseases? If it was legit, I'm sure we'd have heard it on CNN by now.
My question is: Where do you get all these funky books from?
The world is full of information my friend, if you care to look around. CNN is by no means the be all and end all...I don't think limiting myself to what CNN feels I should know about is a good way to expand my horizons. CNN's major shareholders come from the pharmaceutical industry, which explains why you wouldn't hear much reporting on alternative would jeopardize profits.
The book was recommended by an acquaintance whose son was diagnosed with cancer. He is doing much better since he started supplementing his conventional treatments with alternative methods. The book never says use one method over the other, but rather encourages a mix.
Well, I just used CNN to get the general idea that if there were some medical miracle breakthrough, we'd have heard about it from any number of sources(but CNN being the most legitimate).
"The book never says use one method over the other, but rather encourages a mix."
-Haha, that is what is known as 'washing your hands of liablity'
Wow ds so much to say about your comments! "Washing your hands of liability"? Have you ever been to/in a hospital? They wash their hands pretty clean of everything, even when using your so-called "legitimate" methods. There are also un-reported medical miracles everyday and I'm speaking from personal experience. I think you're putting all your eggs in one very small basket if you believe that the only cures out there are the ones on the tv shows you happen to catch. But I also don't need you to agree with me . . . "chacun son gout!" . . . just keep in mind, no one person knows the whole truth.
Whoa! talk about putting words into one's mouth!!Who's talking about hospitals? Did I say anything about how they (mis)handle things? My so-called legitimate methods? What on Earth?
Anyway, that basket you mention is quite large, to be sure. If you take everything that these tv shows are aware of about health, medicine etc, and never ever use that knowledge or benefit from it, we would be extremely lucky to see the other side of 40.
Unreported medical miracles? Well, this Dr. Clark and her radiology thing certainly doesn't fit into that category. Neither a miracle nor unreported.
Ahh, how defensive and totally missing of the points. I had written an explanation of everything for you but realized it just wasn't worth posting. Like I said, you don't have to agree with anything I or anyone says but the fact that you talk like you (and CNN of course) have all the answers, simply amazes me. Brilliance like yours should not be hidden, share the wisdom . . . because you obviously know some secret the rest of us don't ;)
P.S. Read more carefully ... ie. breakthroughs happen in hospitals and the basket point was that it ONE basket not that it was small ... please don't make me have to spell it out for you.
Good post. I have known about this for a long time. MANY scientist, researchers and real doctors do beleive HIV and AIDS are NOT necessarily directly linked by are so how correlated.
AIDS by nature or its name, is not a disease caused by a virus or bacteria (which is what commonly causes a disease). It is an "aquired immune defieciency syndrome". This means it usually is a group of symptoms with a cause and effect relationship to HIV or some other aquired virus which cause the immune system to breakdown.
Conventionally in people with HIV white blood cells are produced at 10000 times rate as are the multiplication human immune virus, so many experts (who are overshadowed by large pharmacutical corps) believe one can live with HIV all their live, so long as they eat properly, exercise and are not exposed to any other things that may lower their white blood cells. As we can see Magic Johnston is a perfect example of this. He is doing well because he used his money to consult in the real experts in this field rather than just hand himself over to the medical community and given a death sentence of a prolonged death with drugs, being used as human experiment and live in isolation or quarentine.
Sorry about my ass grammer, I'm at work typing fast.
Additionally, many associations associated with certain aligments, try to get the community of serpants and swords (medical) to categorize their diseases as AIDS or Cancer, since the funding is elevated. Its aall a big game.
Ok, I was talking about the basket of collective human knowledge, ie: everything that is out there and not a secret. That shoulda been obvious.
And when someone puts that knowledge to practise properly and it fails, is that individual liable for that failure?
I'm not sure what you're trying to say about hospitals. Breakthroughs happen in hospitals and they're kept hidden?
Ok, I'm calling your bluff because I really don't understand what you've said.
I had a different response but deleted it. You're right, I'm bluffing. (Honestly, I don't even know what I said that I could be "bluffing" about since I was stating my opinions based on my personal experiences).
BUT I refuse to become one of those people who are so close-minded that I believe my opinion is more valid than anyone else's and that because I feel a certain way about things, I have to convince others to make it "more true". You get what you can from tv shows and I will get what I can from my sources, I'm sure we will both be just fine and live to see the other side of 40.
Case closed. You win.
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