Friday, March 24, 2006

Double Yawn

No, I’m not quoting some smartass web critic’s review of my blog…some other blogs maybe...but what I’m actually referring to is the unusual semi-phenomenon of why when someone yawns in your presence, you often feel the urge to do so yourself? I’ve seen it happen to others, and had it happen to me. I’ve even made conscious efforts to fight an oncoming yawn after seeing others do so, but like all life’s simple pleasures, it’s best to just give in and not feel guilty about it. But why does it happen?

I think at the very basic level it might just be a matter of localized air/oxygen concentrations. Person A, for whatever reason is not getting enough O2 to the brain which causes their body to suck in additional air (a.k.a. yawn). This sudden large intake of air creates an area of depleted O2 concentration in the immediate vicinity of the yawner. Although momentary, the interval between the initial yawn causing the localized O2 depletion and additional O2 moving in to fill the void and even things out again, is still occasionally long enough for Persons B, C etc. to also feel the negative effects of lower O2 concentrations caused by Person A, and thus yawn themselves.

For the spiritually inclined folks, an alternative explanation would be Person A attempting to suck in Person B’s essence, spirit or soul. Person B naturally reacts by sucking it right back in. This all leads to the obvious conclusion that only a superbly grounded individual with no insecurities about losing their essence can resist being sucked into a double yawn. Pun shamelessly intended.
Yawning Tip: They say to prevent an oncoming yawn you should breathe in deeply and rapidly until the urge to yawn passes. Hmmm, is yawning so taboo that hysterical breathing is a better alternative? Heaven forbid someone should think you're tired or find them boring...yeah, better they think you're a hysterical freak or having a serious medical episode...that's much better.


Blogger Opaldrop said...

Funny reaction this double yawning thing huh! This evening I was lying on the sofa watching tv with my puppy. He usually sits close and just stares at me in an intense sort of way which kinda creeps me out sometimes, but I figure that it's just his expression of puppy-love for the one who feeds him.

Anyway, so I yawn this massive one and 4 seconds later while I'm trying to re-focus my teary eyes, I see the little dude doing the exact same thing. HUGE ASS YAWN, then back to just staring at me! I burst out laughing at the coincidence and then remembered this blog entry.

7:56 PM  
Blogger Desiderius1979 said...

So you see, my air-concentration-displacement theory holds water...which also explains why animals are effected by it...O2 breathing creatures that is. You wouldn't get the same response from an anaerobic bacterium or a plant in day time.

10:17 AM  

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