Thursday, March 02, 2006

International Women's Day

March 8th is the International Women's Day. It is an occasion marked by women's groups around the world, commemorated at the United Nations and designated in many countries as a national holiday. International Women's Day is the story of ordinary women as makers of history and is rooted in the centuries-old struggle of women to participate in society on an equal footing with men. I know that in Europe and in many places around the world it's considered quite an event, and it's the day when you give mom, sister, wife (or whomever) flowers, a card, cook dinner, or simple acknowledgement...yet who in North America does the same or even knows anything about it? Very few.

International apparently doesn't include North America, eventhough the first Woman's Day was observed in the US in 1909. Maybe the lack of continued American support for it has something to do with the fact that it was an idea put forth by the Socialist Party of America, and in America, socialist is synonymous with commie...and anything commie is supposedly evil...even if it's good. Relax America, the Cold War is won, why so jumpy still? Or, maybe it's that here in North American we have our Mother's Day to show appreciation for women...after all it's the busiest of all mail days* why would we need yet another day? Apparently, in America a woman's worth to society is only as great as the size of her litter, so if you're a woman but aren't a mother, you don't matter. Huh?! I just hope it's not just an arrogant way of saying women's struggles for equality are a developing world issue, but a non-issue here.

Maybe it's none of those things. It could be that this particular day just isn't marketable enough to be popular in America. I am a bit surprised that the greeting card industry hasn't jumped all over this one. After all, they've invented holidays just to sell more useless crap, and have Valentine's Day cards for your aunt's former roommate, but nothing for March 8th Women's Day. Perhaps proponents of Women's Day should take a page from the olden days and spice things up a bit...In ancient Greece, Lysistrata initiated a sexual strike against men in order to end war. During the French Revolution, Parisian women calling for "liberty, equality, fraternity" marched on Versailles to demand women's suffrage. You just don't see that kinda passion from our gals anymore. Could it be that women here have achieved everything they set out to do, and that men have satisfied all their wants and needs and that the reason we don't celebrate Women's Day here is that EVERYDAY IS WOMEN'S DAY! :)

* Mother's Day is the busiest of all days for mail in North America, even more than Christmas...but why mail? Because of the North American custom of living as far away from Mom as possible, and even on Mother's Day, not making the effort to go see her in person. For shame!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, MANY WOMEN here know of and celebrate International Women's Day - we do it amongst ourselves though. We know if we wait for a man to acknowledge our struggles or appreciate all we do, we'd probably be waiting 'til the Sun starts orbiting the Earth (for the most part; there are some exceptions). Instead, we quietly do things to make each other feel good and to support each other in the struggles we face in the shadows everyday.
Anyway Desiderius, you seem quite well versed on this topic; does that mean that you have been celebrating the women in your life over the years ... or has the North American way won you over?

6:14 PM  
Blogger Desiderius1979 said...

Yeah, I know that some women and women's groups quietly acknowledge the day, but other people aren't and that's just my point. That's like celebrating your own birthday, by yourself. Its status is trivial here, reserved for the "hey, did you know that today is the international..." conversations at the water cooler.

Yes, I've been acknowledging the day since childhood, but the extent to which I do it now has lessened, and is mostly reserved for woman of older generations (e.g. mom), and not so much peers. So, I guess the N.A. way has had an impact on me...but let this post be my small attempt at commemorating it.

9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"When in Rome, do as the Roman's do!"

That is the way of survival in these unsentimental times! To go against the current no matter how 'cold'the direction seems, will put one greatly on the outside of society's mentality (you will not integrate well or be successful!). Alternatively one may find themselves passionately brainwashed (immigrants beware!)into advocating a commercial cause where all the leaders are infact, just lonely, bitter women who hardly treat themselves or each other with respect yet claim it is their God-given right for men to do so! All the while, proper responsibilities, husbands and children, take a back seat in the name of WOMEN'S PROGRESS!! BLAHH!

You North Americans are hypocrites and you make me sick with your self righteous sub-culture celebtrations "AHH WOMEN'S DAYYY, WE'RE ENTITLED TO BE TREATED OH SO SPECIAL!!". Bullshit! You earn everything you get in this life, respect especially! Men treat women the way they are inspired to treat them!

In many other 'less-developed' countries, women are the foundations of the home, the family, the society. Sure the men walk in the spotlight, but the women in the men's lives influence who they are and who they will be and everyone understands their role in the big picture and is satisfied with doing the best they can in those roles for each other's benefit!

If you choose a well-bred man, if you come from a society where women are strong by nature, such nonsense 'tea-pary celebrations in the shadows', aren't a priority because real women KNOW their value, men know THEIR place in realtion to that and everyone is too busy with real-life issues to campaign such non-essential nonsense!

North America has roles and values all screwed up, the women here are messed up & are overly-ambitious in misguided directions or else they live in dream worlds with each other because real life is just too sad for them. Nevermind, keep smiling those fake smiles girls and pretend that you are empowered by your optimism!

Leave actual appreciation to us real women who get on with it in the trenches every day (for all of you who are not North American or from the surrounding vacinity) who's husbands, sons, boyfirends, even male friends remind us daily in ways, of our worth, because we inspire it!

Desiderius, the correct question to ask would be, how many other women in this society, besides your immediate family members have you found INSPIRED by enough to celebrate their value on Women's Day? Or perhaps the 'When in Rome' approach is the only way to go here?

Not that many, if any right?!

This culture sucks man!

9:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, my post went through after your reply above! lol

I think I should start using the pseudonom "Devil's Advocate" huh! ;)

9:33 AM  
Blogger Desiderius1979 said...

Actually, I find the lack of insistance on traditional gender roles of North American culture quite refreshing...not sucky as you called it. But, that liberty does come at a price and brings about other undesired elements when abused. No way is perfect.

As for your question...I know quite a few women that have inspired me, it's just that in the absence of a Hallmark card, my appreciation for them has no appropriate outlet and thus often goes unacknowledged.

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol hmmm, excuses boy! Hallmark has plenty of e-cards for this occassion and many other such 'under-valued celebrations' should you be inspired to advocate for them too! :P

10:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

North American culture is very ego-centric and it's not as peachy in practice as it seems in theory. But depending on one's personality and worldview the saying, "...If the cap fits, wear it!...", may sum up the different convictions on this blog subject.

I still think it sucks because of the hypocracies involved!

10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a little confused, is this day set aside to commemorate great achievements made by women over the years, or just being a woman in every day general life?

I don't know if simply being born a female is something that needs to be celebrated, but if we're looking at it as a dedication to specific accomplishments then I'm up for it I suppose!

Myself, a single, childless 26 year old woman, hardly consider anything in my life, thus far, to be worthy of global celebration. Infact, things that I do consider as great personal accomplishments run along the lines of human condition matters that everyone, men and women alike have to face.

I dunno?

So Desiderius, does this mean that all the women you make mention of above who have somehow inspired you, could receive an unexpected sweet electronic acknowledgement from you on 'THE' up-coming day as an example of how to put one's money where one's mouth is in 2006? ;)

Now that would really be something worth celebrating!

3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the record, Desiderius can be the sweetest guy and he has definitely put his money where his mouth is on this matter!

Good on you guy, smiles all the way! :)

And happy Women's Day too, to all the girls who happen to read this post today!!!

9:29 AM  
Blogger Rameza said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should have deleted mine ... anyway save you the trouble

5:41 PM  
Blogger ds said...

Today was Pi Day (3\14). No celebration? Not even a mention? Your excuse for missing it better be Earth-shattering.

Good day now.

5:08 PM  
Blogger Desiderius1979 said...

Hey, I took a day off to commemorate Pi Day!

10:03 AM  

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