Tuesday, January 24, 2006

6 Billion +, yet still lonely

I'm not going to argue the existance and nature of UFO's here. Everyone knows that they are spacecraft flown by a superior race of extraterrestrials here to administer an ambitious program of rectal probing...the only true way to understand life on Earth. No, I'll save that for another post. Rather, I want to discuss our haphazard eagerness to reach out to anyone and anything in the cosmos that may be listening. Allow me to elaborate. Back in the 1920's it was believed that Mars was home to an intelligent race of beings. A branch of the U.S. military even proposed beaming radio signals to the planet, and maintaining total radio silence world wide for 3 days, in order to listen for any response. In 1963, Arecibo, the world's largest single dish radio telescope was built in Puerto Rico and used extensively in the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) program, whose objectives were to listen for and communicate with intelligent alien life in the universe.

These are but a few examples of major undertakings headed by credible government organizations, dedicating large amounts of resources to the cause. In addition, radio and television broadcasters have inadvertantly been beaming off signals into space since the early 20th century, some of which were strong enough and sent long enough ago to reach distant star systems. Imagine aliens picking up signals of the early Chaplin movies or the Howdy Doody Show, they'd think we're a bunch of retards. And, rest assured there have been countless other private ventures, some more respectable than others, who've built UFO landing pads, welcome signs (making the retard conclusion that much truer) and tried to get ET's attention in all sorts of different ways. My question is this...why do we think it'll be ET or Alf on the other line? Not only does our shameless search for cosmic companionship seem desperate, but it's dangerous too. Who's to say it won't be Predator or Alien, or something even worse, just waiting for an opportunity to invade? If history has taught us anything, it's that resources are finite, and anytime a group with sophisticated technology comes into contact with another possessing less advanced technology, the lesser group is exploited, and often eliminated. Homo Sapiens drove Neandertals to extinction this way. Colonialists exploited Native Americans similarly. The list is endless. What makes our case more extreme is that we are carelessly and actively yelling to the universe, here we are, come and get us! And believe me, nuclear weapons or not, anything possessing technology advanced enough to receive our cosmic messages and find it's way to our planet, has the capability to kick our ass with relative ease. So, maybe we should shut up a minute, eh!?!

I don't mean to sound paranoid. I'm an eager proponent of cosmic exploration. We should go out and explore all we can, but we should do it for our own good and on our own terms, and not get into anything we can't handle just yet. That's why I like NASA's Voyager approach, when it launched unmanned Voyager I and II spacecraft to the outer planets, and then up and out of the known solar system. Today, after flying through space at 40,000 km/h for almost three decades, the Voyager spacecraft are 2 of the most distant* human objects in outer space. With their main mission of planetary exploration successfully completed, they now serve as humanity's ultimate message in a bottle, each carrying a pictographic plate describing us and where we're from, as well as a gold plated record of sounds from earth, complete with encoded instructions on how to get it to play. The message works. Just enough detail to tell our story, but vague enough so that they probably couldn't track us down, because who really wants a long distance relationship anyway?

If I could change one thing about the pictograph though, it would be this...notice that the humans are drawn in front of a representation of the voyager spacecraft's dish, in order to give whoever receives the message a sense of scale. A bit too honest, no? Isn't it customary to embellish a bit? It's not like they'll come and check, and even if they do travel all that way just to meet us, you'd think their feelings would be based on more than looks. Eitherway, never underestime the power of intimidation! They'd be far less likely to mess with us if they though we were giants...or at the very least, better hung! I mean c'mon, the tiny genitals are just embarrassing, gees! Aside from that, the plate is perfect. As for the gold-plated record, WOW, I tell ya, any alien that successfully assembles a record-player from those crazy instuctions can probe me anytime!

*NASA launched Pioneers 10 and 11 a few years before the Voyagers. The Pioneer spacecraft travelled to Jupiter and Saturn then off into outer space, while collectively, the Voyagers travelled to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, before leaving the planetary plain.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting theories. However there are some basic flaws in your logic. The fact that technologically superior races of humans have and continue to destroy those weaker and less advanced is an undeniable fact, but you are assuming that aliens would share the human lack of morality and justice. Humans are infact one of the only known species to be so self destructive. Aliens, if they exist, which I believe they likely do, very likely would not share our human flaws. If infact there is a superior race out there they very likely already know about us and find us nothing more than an interesting race to observe. If they wanted to attack us they wouldn't need radio signals to do it and if they have been observing us they don't need Howdy Doody to tell them that our society is retarded. What reason would they have to attack us really? We've pretty much destroyed the planet, so they won't want that. We're definately adept enough at destroying ourselves to save them the trouble. No, my guess is, watching us is like spending an evening at Yuck Yucks. To them we're probably a friggin cosmic joke.

4:14 PM  
Blogger Desiderius1979 said...

The basic flaws you speak of are a result of generalization. I too am partial to the notion that any race that is intelligent enough and survives long enough to achieve interstallar travel, is probably more likely to be good than destructive and evil. However, to suggest that justice and morality are directly linked to intelligence, is a bit utopian. Such a theory fails to consider "finite resources", which is a universal fact, not an assumption. And, when faced with the pressures of diminishing resources, justice and morality become and expensive luxury.

You're totally right about us being a cosmic joke...but realizing that, we can at least join in the laughter.

5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...The fact that technologically superior races of humans have and continue to destroy those weaker and less advanced is an undeniable fact, but you are assuming that aliens would share the human lack of morality and justice..."

Isn't this nature’s way? The strong must eliminate the weak as a survival strategy. I agree that our planet is in poor shape (progress has its price) but if indeed technologically superior races exist, then their planets surely cannot be in a better state than our own.

And I'm pretty sure, that like us, their reason for putting feelers out into the universe isn't at all about the curiosity surrounding unknown species, it's to potentially source a means to their own existence. After all, that is what we are really doing out in space, looking for somewhere else to go when we finally wreck what we have here. Resources as Desiderius puts it, is the name of the game!

I don't think one can approach alien mentality from a human inspired-moral perspective. I think we'd be more accurate to see it from an instinctual view and look to nature for how the roles could potentially unfold. We are not exempt from those same rules.

Everything in nature, works according to survival laws and the weak and the strong will always be a target to someone else. Question is where do we lie along the cosmic food chain and I agree we shouldn't necessarily tempt fate by giving away our position. That would directly contradict our most valuable tool when it comes to surviving, common sense!

5:16 PM  
Blogger Desiderius1979 said...

Of course it all boils down to resources and survival, at the very basic level. If you don't take care of #1, you won't be around long enough to consider the notions of morality and justice.

Further to Moni's comment, "you are assuming that aliens would share the human lack of morality and justice". Morality and justice are uniquely human characteristics. I don't believe any other creatures we know of possess them so to say that we lack them, is silly. We invented morality and justice!

5:35 PM  
Blogger ds said...

Homosapiens are largely beyond the normal rules of nature. Our intelligence allows us to sidestep many of the perils that deny other species of survival by allowing us to have many, many solutions to a single problem.
No, if we were to be assaulted, I think it would be extremely unlikely that the reason would be because they're fighting for their survival.
So the theory that I believe we can apply is our own distinctiveness: Intelligence(really it's imagination that I think seperates us from animals).
So what is an intelligent species capable of? Anything. If the means are there, it will be done. All good things but all evil things as well. We haven't changed in all the years since our emergence; we still kill, rape, destroy, exploit, enslave. The only thing that's changed is the way in which we do these things and how good we are in lying to ourselves about them. And we are closer to reaching the stars.
And when we do, all our ideals will be unleashed unto the universe as well. Every person's potential for creativity, strength, weakness, kindness and malevolence. Even just one man's actions are chained to all of us.
And so to do another's.

1:33 AM  
Blogger Desiderius1979 said...

Re: "if we were to be assaulted, I think it would be extremely unlikely that the reason would be because they're fighting for their survival."

Why else would they attack us then? It most certainly would have to be linked to them wanting or needing something we have, which at the root of it all is linked to survival. I'm not saying they'd be at the verge of extinction. More likely they'd be at the top of their game, implementing a pro-active approach for securing new resources that will further stabilize their own existance for millennia to come...at our own expense. If they are truly noble and just (more so than we are), they may seek an arrangement that will benefit us both, but failing that, each species will ALWAYS look out for #1, and only later consider the implications for others.

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The argument that I was attempting to make was that humans are not part of the normal food chain because an intelligent species 'plays by their own rules'. I can't discern if you agree with this or not.
In the end, your point falls into the "how good we are in lying to ourselves" category.

12:25 PM  
Blogger Desiderius1979 said...

Well, the normal food chain is irrelavant in this conversation because we're talking about a situation where all players are intelligent species, with humans being presumably the less intelligent/advanced of the two.

I agree about the "own rules" part, but the argument then becomes, what form would those "own rules" take? Would a super advanced species evolve to a point where the rules they play by are truly fair to others...or would they be obviously selfish...or would they perhaps just be better at lying to themsleves, and thinking that they were playing fair, as you said?

Is it even possible for a species to advance to a point where they are truly above the normal laws of survival of the fittest...without faking it or lying to themselves and others? Wouldn't such a state make a species almost God-like?

3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A god-like species...good question. It's difficult to imagine but I think a species like that can exist. However, I still believe that the average space-faring species would not be god-like.
So going back to your blog entry, I would agree that we should 'quiet down' and not advertise ourselves.

1:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Is it even possible for a species to advance to a point where they are truly above the normal laws of survival of the fittest...without faking it or lying to themselves and others? Wouldn't such a state make a species almost God-like?"

I don't understand most of this paragraph ... please explain if you can. Specifically, what is meant by God-like?

2:36 PM  
Blogger Desiderius1979 said...

God-like in a traditional Christian sense. Being an advanced enough species that you have taken care of ur own needs so well, and to such an ideal degree that your own actions (or rules you play by)need not be selfish at all, thus you would have the luxury to base your actions mostly on how they will help/affect other lesser species.

E.g. (God-like) You'd explore earth not because there's something you need from it (because you're perfectly satiated), but simply because you want to use ur superior intellect to help humans not destroy it and each other, for their own good and the good of the other earthly creatures.

Clear as mud now?

4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it means that the end justifies the means! Rules and truths are so variable that we're all convinced our way is best and fair for all! In reality that perception forms according to our own agenda only. Irony is that strength comes from adaptability and not dogma or as Desiderius puts it convincing or 'lying to themselves'! The reality is that we are all, intelligent and unintelligent alike, equally susceptible to the laws of nature. What goes up must come down, the strong outlast the weak and life will unavoidably sustain itself by whatever means is necessary, rationale aside!

I don't want to get into politics here, but take a look at the U.S.-Iraq situation and George W's standing may clarify this statement:
"Would a super advanced species evolve to a point where the rules they play by are truly fair to others...or would they be obviously selfish...or would they perhaps just be better at lying to themselves, and thinking that they were playing fair"

God-like in this context ... I believe it may mean something akin to "beyond reproach" "untouchable" or "invincible".

Is this a correct interpretation?

5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never mind that last post ... Desiderius your explanation is far less verbal-diarrhea than mine! lol

Sonja go with the fewer words, they usually make more sense! Gosh I talk too much.
: )

5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, clear as mud, thanks. I suppose my mind just cannot comprehend such advanced thoughts.

8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The high minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think."

-Aristotle, philosopher (384-322 BC)

11:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's truth? It's such an obscure concept to me; one that varies depending on the time and place. What's true for me today may not be true for me tomorrow; what's true for me today may never be true for you. As for not caring what people think, I just haven't reach that point in my life yet. However, I count myself lucky still, for at least having encountered a few "high minded" people who give me something to strive for.

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to philosophy (not sure who's ... one of the great Greeks I believe) truth is absolute and that is the mark of its authenticity. If something changes, then it cannot be truth. So none of these changeable things are really true and are just perceptions that lead you to the ultimate truths!
:S ... Philosophers, confusing bunch eh??!@!#! :)

And to your comment:
"I count myself lucky still, for at least having encountered a few "high minded" people who give me something to strive for"

You seem to have an inquiring mind and that's somthing pretty 'high' by alot of standards! So give yourself a hi-5 because according to this statement you may just be wiser than those that are clever ;)...

"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions" - Naguib Mahfouz, writer (1911- )

12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"As for not caring what people think, I just haven't reach that point in my life yet"

I don't think we ever get there fully, I hope that we just grow to a point where we are confident enough in our own experiences and wisdom to consider that other people's opinions, although sometimes of value, aren't as right for us as our own!

After all, no one will know entirely what is best for you, more than you will, because only you experience your existence through those views right?

Listen to everything, but hear only what has value! The rest is just odd people full of odd ideas!

Right Desiderius?

1:07 PM  
Blogger Desiderius1979 said...

Not sure if that was a compliment or a jab directed at me...hmmm?!?

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was neither! The compliment was directed elsewhere for esteem building purposes and no jab to you dear-one, infact I was simply calling upon your opinion on the matter considering you sporadically have rather good ones! ;P

Just kidding on the last part of that sentense!

5:03 PM  
Blogger Desiderius1979 said...

Update: As stated, NASA has sent 4 space probes into deep space. Traveling slowest of the foursome is Pioneer 11 at about 26,000 mph (42,000 km/h) with respect to the Sun. Pioneer 10 is currently moving at a rate of over 27,000 mph (44,000 km/h) while Voyager 2 is speeding along at about 36,000 mph (58,000 km/h). The fastest probe, however, is Voyager 1 with a velocity of nearly 39,000 mph (63,000 km/h). Given its greater speed, Voyager 1 currently holds the record as the fastest interplanetary spacecraft and has passed the Pioneers to become the farthest manmade object from the Sun.

Due to decay in their power source the two Pioneer spacecraft no longer send signals strong enough to reach earth. The Voyagers still do, and will continue to do so until 2020.

4:19 PM  
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2:58 PM  

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