Monday, December 12, 2005

The Bible - Peeling Back the Layers

Why, why, why, do some supposedly normal, educated people still take the words of the Bible, or any religious text for that matter, so literally? I’m not going to name names but I’m looking your way Biblelands, USA. Allow me to usher you out of the, I want to say stone-age, but from what I know of the Neandertal* culture and belief system, they were far less gullible...THE EARTH WAS NOT CREATED IN 7 DAYS!

As any school child knows, stories, fables, nursery rhymes and the like are a great way to educate. Within the context of a simple story you weave a lesson about life that the child can take with them. That’s essentially what the Bible is, a collection of writings structured in such a way as to educate the masses about our origins, morals, life’s lessons and all sorts of information, in a simplified manner that all walks of life can take something from. I mean c’mon, as long a book as the Bible is, it’s actually quite short considering the magnitude of the topics it covers. That’s what makes it so ingenious. It’s a book about everything…the ultimate anti-Seinfeld if you will. Just compare it to modern-day educational literature where everything is fragmented, requiring a different set of rules and theories for each different topic. In order to explain anything, we need to break it up into manageable chunks of information, and even after doing that, the works are lengthy. That is what makes the Bible such a great book, and it’s unfortunate that people have misused it for so long, everything from justifying ridiculous wars to propagating ignorance. Let me do my little part to help.

I see the Bible as a book with multiple layers of information and interpretation, 3 layers by my count, those being:

1. The “silly fool, we didn’t mean that literally” layer, LITERAL for short
2. SYMBOLIC, and

Some take everything in the bible literally, which centuries ago when we knew very little about the world is somewhat understandable, but today, less excusable. Firstly, the 7-days of creation are symbolic. It doesn’t mean seven 24 hour periods as we know them today, but rather 7 somewhat distinct periods, of various lengths, when significant events (from a human-centric perspective of course) of the earth’s history took place, covering everything from the creation of our solar system to the birth of mankind. Yes, greatly generalized and presented in a way to make it understandable to the uneducated masses, but based on facts none the less. Other examples of literal interpretations converted to symbolic include:

“Days” means anything from billions, millions or even fewer number of years depending on what was created that particular day. This is similar to using the term “eras” when delineating geologic, social and other time periods of unequal length, but exhibiting a particular set of common characteristics that set them apart from other “eras”.

Let there be light...and God separated the darkness from the light, means our Sun’s hydrogen furnace ignites and begins to burn and shine light upon the not-quite-complete spheres orbiting around it, one of which is our planet Earth. As the Earth forms into a solid sphere it rotates on its axis, creating night and day (appx 4.6 billion years ago).

On the second day, God created a dome and separated the waters, meaning, the planet wide ocean begins to evaporate, creating clouds that will rain down, and a rudimentary atmosphere is created.

On the third day God called for dry land to appear, followed by vegetation. Well, geologic evidence clearly shows that vulcanic eruptions on the ocean floors formed bulges in the earth's crust, pushing it up, until dry land finally appeared out of the oceans. Once dry land appeared vegetation followed, sustained by the carbon rich atmosphere at the time. The carbon-dioxide was released by the vulcanic eruptions, while the plants exhailed oxygen, a necessity for the animal life that is to follow.

In the days to follow, God first made aquatic creatures, then land animals, and finally humans. This totally fits in with fossil evidence, except what the Bible calls days, you must simply understand are millions of years. Animal life did begin in the oceans, and humans are one of the newest species on this planet today, thus the 7th day is symbolic of our late arrival to this planet relative to other species. Despite this, it's amazing how many people still take the term "day" to mean a 24 hour period. One such nutcase claimed to be a real scientist who's theory I came across at Even now in 2005, he claimed that scientific evidence shows that everything on earth was created in one week, as we know it today. I had a good laugh reading it, but it's sad when you really think about it. On top of all this is the whole Adam and Eve thing. Taken literally, that would make us all quite inbred, so I could see why this notion is so popular in the south, where they still teach creationism in schools, instead of evolution. The actual number of Adams and Eves is several thousand...the number of modern-human individuals from whom we all descended.

If you needed any more proof that the Bible should not be taken literally, just look at Jesus. It's common knowledge that He always used parables to spread his message. Yes, his stories were amusing to the people, but they were not the real message, but rather symbolic vessels of the true message.

Deeper still, beyond the symbolic layer, exists a substantially more puzzling third that I’ll call the encoded layer. I believe Leonardo Da Vinci suspected it, and Isaac Newton was secretly obsessed by it...the idea that the Bible contained deeply encoded information about events of not only the past and present, but even the future. With the invention of the computer, putting this to the test became possible. According to Michael Drosnin’s book, the Bible Code, such experiments have yielded clear evidence of encoded information within the Bible. The technique used involved writing out the contents of the Bible in the original language (Aramaic), and eliminating spaces and punctuation. At certain skip sequences (e.g. taking every 567th letter) one begins to find startlingly detailed information. For example, Rabin’s assassination is well documented, including the date and the assassin’s name, all encoded together, as were numerous other events that were tested for. Critics initially argued that virtually any work, provided it was long enough would, statistically speaking, likely yield similar information. In response to this argument, tests were conducted on other popular literature and revealed no evidence of encoded information, yet the Bible continued to hit the mark.

So, how deep should we be looking into the Bible? Well, maybe the third layer is something to leave to the experts for the time being, but certainly we should help our slower brothers and sisters overcome the first layer, and all its problems. Now, I’m not coming at you from some extreme leftist, atheist, seed-of-Satan viewpoint. I’m what you might call a seasonal religious practitioner, also known as Roman Catholic, whose lifetime mass attendance record stands at a slightly above average 4.35 visits per year...Christmas and Easter being the mandatory 2, with some mix of wedding, communion, confirmation, baptism, funeral, and if need be, the occasional Saints Day substitution for the other 2.35 times. That being said, I believe in God and the need for spirituality in ones life. I believe that Jesus, be he an immaculately conceived son of God or just another human being conceived out of wedlock, through his teachings, actions, and influence was one of the best things to ever happen to humanity. I also doubt that he intended for me to be a mindless, passage-reciting zombie, who was never to touch himself or a woman (other than a wife solely for procreation purposes), and I’m pretty sure he didn’t intend that for all of you either, because how would that really make us any different than those Taliban freaks!?!

* Yes, that’s the correct spelling of Neandertal, there is no “h”. It was named after the original place of discovery Neander Valley in Germany. “Tal” means valley in German, thus Neandertal.

By the way, you can listen to great discussions on this issue at Look through the archived shows for Catholics on evolution, intelligent design, etc.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bible definitely isn’t like any other book! Understanding its content is not entirely dependent on logical and scientific processes of elimination. If it were, at least one of the great philosophical or scientific pioneers of history would have compiled an encompassing Idiot’s Guide for us by now and the world of Christianity would follow that one enlightened publication!

I agree with Author in that the bible comprises many levels but at the base of each level, ‘literal’, ‘symbolic’ and ‘encoded’, is the exact same underlying message. It is representation of the divine nature through different voices, so that many intellectual capacities can hear! Ultimately it is grace, or faith if you like, that unmasks the mysteries of God and not the sophistication level at which they are documented by man. Therefore, I do not believe that it is essential to approach bible interpretation from a cryptic perspective, but rather a simple more open one!

Author’s ‘7-day-era’ creation theory is good, but depending on which scholar you speak to, most numbers and number sequences in the bible may not actually refer to literal quantitive measures of anything, time, people, anything! They are Jewish symbolic representations of the divine! Not too difficult to consider since most of scripture was composed by Jewish descendants and would naturally include their traditional belief systems.

A Jesuit priest once explained the story of creation and the 7 day issue to a group of grade 11 students (it was a mandatory religious instruction class at the Convent schooling I attended). The instruction included the following:
3 Completeness Holy Trinity/Family unit (Father-Mother-child), etc.
Infact all units of 3 in the bible are suggested to be a reference of completeness according to Jewish numerology. But who knows, I am neither Jewish nor a scholar of divinity, although I do respect a learned man’s authority and instruction on the subject.

4 Perfection Creation – animals walking the earth on 4 legs, 4 appendages of man, etc.

7 God Number combination of 3&4=7 … COMPLETE PERFECTION!

6 Satan Number 6 is one less than 7 – Complete IMPERFECTION
‘666’ mark of the beast in Revelations is strong reiteration of this symbol as reference to Satan and the antichrist

I do not recall any other numbers and their meanings … it has been a long time since that lesson! Anyways, no one knows exactly how long creation took – time is a human reference! It may have occurred in a breath or in a single spoken word … God’s breath, God’s word, or over eras as the Author believes! To each his own on this matter! The important question is, what does the bible all boil down to? I’m not convinced that the answer is as variable as mankind makes it out to be.

As for being a mindless passage-reciting zombie and the issue of Christ’s opinion on amorous affairs … even the Taliban have comendable devotion and discipline don’t you think, dispite their gross misdirection? And I agree that Christ would want us to enjoy all that sexuality has to offer … but within lines of comendable devotion and discipline!
‘Bestow upon me thy grace,
For Father, O’ Father, I walk in these shadows!’

2:30 PM  
Blogger Desiderius1979 said...

Be patient please, my idiot's guide to the Bible is in the works...consider this post a sneak preview ;)

Your comments and point of view are quite refreshing! Thank you

4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great comments anonymous

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you produce an "Idiot's Guide to the Bible" as you like to call it, are you then not exactly like the people with who you claim to disagree ... the Taliban, the Americans? By your title alone you seem to be saying that your interpretations are the truth and anyone who doesn't believe you are idiots. I, like many others, may agree with a lot of your ideas but some of your presentation of the material seems to be trying to manipulate the reader into your way of thinking. I understand you have to sound confident when trying to convince others of a truth in which you believe, but the Bible and religion are, in my opinion, very sacred and personal things. It is okay to share how we feel about them but since no one knows for sure, then criticizing may not be the way to open minds ... it only leads to violence and hatred as is quite evident if you turn on the news.
As for your ideas on sex, being a woman I will probably never agree, so I will refrain from commenting further.

11:56 AM  
Blogger Desiderius1979 said...

My comment about producing an idiot's guide was made in jest. Looks like I'm once again guilty of attempted humour...a prevailing theme throughout my posts and comments.

The degree to which I personally believe that what I've presented is the truth is varied depending on the topic. I try to stop short of claiming it's absolute truth, because that would make me an idiot. Rather, my posts present ideas I thought I'd share, and I certainly welcome and applaud alternate view makes for a better discussion. The know-it-all tone and reader manipulation you speak of is for effect...well, mostly...let it be no secret that I do value my own opinion.

2:34 PM  
Blogger ds said...

Cheers on the spelling of "Neandertal"!
Jeers on the spelling of "DeVinci".

2:12 PM  
Blogger Desiderius1979 said...

ds...designated spell-checker I presume? Is this a free blog service?

Noted. Good eye ds!

3:42 PM  
Blogger ds said...

No, it's not a free service. 45$ please.
Oh, and I see you *tried* to fix the name. There's actually a space, so it's 'Da Vinci'.
That'll be another 8.75$ please.

2:36 PM  
Blogger Desiderius1979 said...

Thank you once again kind sir for your extensive and as always enlightening contribution to the discussion of this topic. The post made no sense until you stepped in.

With such high service charges you must've made a fortune on your own blog posts, that's what I call as self-made man!

3:01 PM  
Blogger ds said...

Wait, you want it to make sense? Well that's not an easy task however I think I could fix it so it would make sense, but it'll cost ya. We're talking thousands of dollars here.
Making a fortune from my own self? I think that's called money laundering. I do not take part in illegal activities of any kind. Please cease+desist. Thank you!

3:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You points are well taken. Some nominal religous people do not trust God enough to "let God be God."

They would silence any intelligent questioning or examination of the Bible and/or science (including evolution).

Most of these religous, political or social fundementalist movements can be seen as a "panic" reaction to change. They want a return to certainty.

I would propose that if there is a God, all searches for the truth would ultimately lead to (him, her, it) if they just "Don't Panic".

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A friend of mine mentioned 2012 last night to me and it's the first I heard about it so I jumped on here out of curiosity. I think it's kind of sick and sounds like a bunch of skeptical jargon.
I choose to live every day like it is the last because let's be real, WHO THE HELL KNOWS what is going to happen or when it's your time to go on. The past is history, the future is a mystery and now is a gift, thats why it's called the present. It's not healthy to sit around and trip out about when you will die. Stop wasting your time you have now.
]earth 2012
[/url] - some truth about 2012

12:51 AM  

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