Thursday, April 27, 2006

Death row antics

A U.S. death row inmate is legally challenging the ingredients in the lethal cocktail he is to be injected with, citing they may cause him to die a painful, unusual and cruel death. Interesting. You're not exactly on death row cause you gave your victims a pleasant sendoff into the afterlife, buddy. How arrogant to think you deserve any better. This is almost as bad as another case where the inmate delayed his own execution by complaining that the needle was not sterilized properly. Hmm, I guess Satan reviews blood test results now before granting access to newcomers.

Yes, their complaints may seem trivial and are probably just desperate attempts to delay the inevidable, but I guess there is some merit to them. Whether you believe in the death penalty or not, do even the worst criminals not deserve to die with dignity? To not grant them a dignified death would be hypocritical of our society, and make us no better than the murderers themselves. Well, maybe not my society, as Canada has no death penalty, but some states in the U.S. still do. And although I can certainly agree with the notion that some people have committed acts so heinous that they do not deserve to live, and that even a lifetime in prison is not torturous enough because some simply do not feel remorse and never will...I still wouldn't want to be the one to pull the trigger, or administer the injection. I wouldn't want the blood on my hands. Fortunately, (an odd word to use here) some states implementing the death penalty recruit volunteers for just such things, and there are plenty of sharp-shooting marksmen lining up to take part in justice-executing firing squads. Now that's a hobby!


Blogger ds said...

Where can one sign up?

11:00 AM  

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